Anyhow, this is the break down for the third week:
Last week, the cats took up more than a third of my available money! And, I had a little less to work with since I went over budget last week. So, here is what I got for $26.85:
See that bag of salad? I got that for 26 cents! And see that box of angel hair pasta? I got that for free. I was on a roll!!!
Here's what I ate this week:
Breakfasts were mostly oatmeal and coffee, but there was a little bit of this too:
Can you guess what lunches were???? This, of course:
I also had some of some leftovers:
Biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs.
And, one day I had:
Ramen Noodles! Please, nobody lecture me on how unhealthy Ramen Noodles are. I'm aware. But, they're delicious. And I only eat them sometimes. Plus, I added strawberries to the meal to make it healthy. So, there!
Leftover waffles with scrambled eggs. (Please ignore the Christmas glass in the background. I really need to busy some new drinking glasses.)
Quesadilla with my Cilantro Lime Rice
I also made:
Spaghetti with homemade garlic cheese bread and salad.
I've only got a little over a week left of my $4 challenge and it's looking like I might actually make it. I must say, so far, this has been a lot easier than I expected. Here's to hoping the month finishes out on that note!